A Best Practice Guide for your Supply Chain Team

Integrated Business Planning moves beyond S&OP. It’s a process by which your company can evaluate and revise time-phased projections for demand, supply, product and portfolio changes, and strategic projects – and the financial plans that result.

A Best Practice Guide for your Supply Chain Team

The supply chain is constantly changing. Technology evolves, new data systems become available, products are modernised and customer demands increase.

Deloitte research indicates that 79% of companies showing high-performance supply chains grow at a faster than average rate compared to only 8% of companies with low-performance supply chains¹.

A strong and robust sales and operations planning (S&OP) process has always been important, but today’s technology allows businesses to forecast, plan and execute more accurately than ever before.

Integrated Business Planning, or IBP, moves beyond S&OP. It’s a process by which your company can evaluate and revise time-phased projections for demand, supply, product and portfolio changes, and strategic projects – and the financial plans that result.

IBP ends the reliance on spreadsheets to manage and forecast demand. Where these traditional spreadsheet-based planning processes can be static, disjointed and slow to react to changes in the supply chain, Integrated Business Planning promotes real-time collaboration using cloud-based supply chain management software to facilitate better planning, forecasting and performance.

Integrated Business Planning is largely driven by the digital revolution, with an emphasis on agility, efficiency and profitability. Like many elements of digitisation for industry, those unwilling to embrace its many benefits risk losing out to more future-focused competitors. In our best practice guide, we explore how you can implement IBP with a digital supply chain planning solution to reach supply chain excellence across your business.

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