Why do I often hear demand planners’ fear of KPIs? I have seen reluctance in employing KPIs for forecast accuracy over the years for many reasons. Some consider it a stick to beat the planners with. A similar comment I hear…
We have all heard the term; “we are living in unprecedented times”. What does that mean to your demand plan today and tomorrow? Businesses are struggling today to balance demand with resources. Demand Curves all over the pharma, food and…
In these times of unprecedented change and myriad challenges that businesses are facing as a result of the Covid 19 impact on the world, the Demand Solutions team has taken comprehensive measures to ensure our employees, solutions and services continue…
SUPPLY PLANNING – MAN VS MACHINE When it comes to supply planning, you may be highly experienced in micromanaging large numbers of moving parts. You may be meeting demand and you might be managing budgets just fine. But are your…
VISUALISE THE POSSIBLE – INTELLIGENT INVENTORY CONTROL For many companies, inventory control is a linear process controlled by a simple increase or decrease in purchasing or manufacturing. Crude measures are often employed to determine when inventory should be adjusted and…